Vaporware: Fonetika
This is a very simplified rules-based spelling method that includes every phoneme possible for the human mouth to make. This means it would be possible to use this spelling method to represent the vocal sounds of any word in any language. There are no expectations to the spelling rules or the sounds made by the characters. Every character or character pair has exactly one sound only. The main goal is human readability with machine readability a close second.
Things like machine speech could use this method of written speech to accurately pronounce words without any dictionaries or lists of exceptions to the rules. This would help benefit almost any language on the planet because dictionaries would not have to base their pronunciation keys on words which a non-native speaker may not know. Since every language could have both the traditional spelling and a Fonetika spelling, it would be easy for those who travel or are trying to learn new languages to be able to speak directly from the written word.
Some words which sound the same, but currently are spelled differently would all be spelled based on the sound and as such pair
and pare
would both become the same written word. If it is not possible to determine the difference based on context, it is possible to extend the word to be more definitive such as pair-couple
or pare-peal
or pear-fruit
. At some point it would be possible to even use this as a formal method of written communication without need for regional (i.e. USA, Canada, UK) differences in spelling of words.
With this as a common communication method, students both young and old would have very few rules to learn and never have exceptions to the rules. Since all words would be spelled exactly as they sound, this may also help those otherwise limited by strong regional dialects while at the same time allowing authors to preserve regional dialects in their written works.